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Writer's pictureOlusegun Emosu

The 'Perished' Money (Acts 8:20)

Updated: Jun 27

But Peter said to him, "Your money ' perish' with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!" (Acts 8:20).


The subject of money is given a conspicuous place in Economics. And in its basic and simplest explanation, Economics defines money as a medium of exchange. Meaning that money is generally accepted as payment for goods and services , as well as a means to paying debts- standard of deferred payments. It also serves as a store of value - allowing people to save wealth over time. Money, generally, in all its various denominations, is a legal tender. This implies that such currencies are backed up by the statues of the particular issuing government. Broad as Economics is, on the subject of money and its role in an economy, it does admit that money can lose its value typically during an inflation- (too much money chasing few goods). However, among several goods or items Economics categorised as 'perishable', money is not one of such. Suffice to say Economics does not mention money as a ' perishable item.' This makes the topic "the perished money", unique, as well as the crux of this discourse.

Money In Biblical Contexts:

The scripture captures a copious amounts of monetary importance even in the christendom. Few of such examples include, Ecc.7:12 says "money is a defense". Literally, a defense is a shield , protection against unwanted and uninvited dangerous invasion. With particular reference to money, defense here could be a protection against embarrassment of not being able to meet any financial obligations. The late son of the prophet's family, who died in debt, was at the mercy of creditors who came after the wife and the surviving children, (2 Kgs.4:1) "...and the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves." She sought help from Elisha. In the process, she was not only saved the embarrassing depression of using her children as collateral, but had more than enough to live on after paying the debt.

Much as money is good and desirable, we are implored not to engage in dishonest gain, and also avoid greed "...serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly." (1 Pet.5:2), "he who is greedy for gain troubles his own house" (Pr.15:27). Interestingly, once upon a time, money did fail , even in the biblical days, "so when the money failed in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph..." (Gen.47:15).

In our contemporary world, there have been several cases of failed money, over and over again. Or how else do we explain our inabilty to rescue dying patients in hospitals even when we have money in several currencies and yet the most skillful and professional medical personnels were helpless at saving dying patients ? Often times, money has failed us such that we are not able to lay our hands on the items we need even after surfing all sorts of markets, be it internet/ online or traditional brick and mortar. Yes, money does fail occasionally, regardless of its values, worth and importance.

Simon- His Personalty:

A sorcerer is someone who practices enchantments and casts spells. Such uses this strange powers to dazzle their victims and make some superficial display of strange manifestations. By his prowress of this ungodly manifestation of his sorcery, Simon held sway in the city of Samaria. His was awed virtually, by all and sundry. They were at his mercy, in a manner similitude of Golaith holding the Israelites to ransom, until David put an end to his inglorious threat against the Israelites. Such was Simon. This was the scenario that pervaded the city of Samaria before the powerful rebirth that brought light to the city. The entire populace fell easily for Simon's gimmic, since they obviously had no leverage. Simon's words were laws that must be obeyed. He carried himself with such gait and ambiguity that they revered him, "...astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great" (Acts 8:9). The entire citizens of Samaria voluntarily subscribed to his false identity and impostion and acknowledged it, for only God knows how long, "...saying "This man man is the great power of God" (Acts 8:9). This was what they lived by until the day evangelist Peter broke the frontiers of the city in one of the most successful crusades ever known in christendom, by the Holy Spirirt. Talk of the gains of revival, here is a good example of not only a much needed one, but also what the power of God can do in such situations.

Sidebar: [ Whatever you have no means to overcome holds you to ransom for the longest time possible].

Believed But Not Saved!:

Like every other new convert would probably do, Simon physically attended the crusade, heard the word, and 'seemed' to believe . And by extension, he actually submitted himself to baptism, which probably, was the hallmark of the crusade. He was eqaully fascinated and enthralled by the miracles and signs, "...seeing the miracles and signs which were done" (Acts 8:13b). Even then, despite all these outward ceremonies and fanfare, Simon's soul seemed not to be saved! (Of a truth, this is the most dangerous point to leave a new convert). He was still tied and glued to his crude ways of spiritual manipulations . He was struggling between two worlds, even while he followed Peter. He was battling with an unknown thought within him: was Peter doing this in his own way or was there another source, power, or secret, he (Simon) did not know of, by which these "strange occurrences" were unfolding?

Undoubtedly, in all his years of sorcerey he had never seen such a phenomenal groundbreaking and followership in that dimension. Evangelist Peter on his part thought he had won another soul, in the person of Simon...hence, he had no iota of doubt whatsoever, that brother Simon already had been equipped with all it took to be a worker in the church. At least, by now certain tasks can be committed into the hands of brother Simon, such that Peter could close his two eyes in sleep. Out of sheer ignorance, evangelist Peter did not know he was sitting on a time bomb. These "trusted" commitments of spiritual assignments into the hands of "seemingly untested and untrained believers, workers, ministers", have been the "achilles heels" of most christian leaders and ministries, especially in their zeal to seeing the church grow . Before long, Simon was going to express his thoughts verbally... this POWER must be available for sale, he thought. And good enough, he had sufficient money for purchase.

The 'Perished' Money:

Coming from a background where money was the in-thing: in consultations and bequeathment of power, Simon jumped into the 'wrong' conclusion this will be a good avenue to acquire an additional power. So interesting, he had the money! More power purchased and acquired, meant more consultations and expansions in his sorcery trade. And additional power would trigger his "dog going back to its vomit'' - a cheap way to draw back to his trade. Consequently, when he could not bear it anymore, he retorted, "And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money... give me this power also, that anyone on whom i lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit." (Acts 8:18-19). At least, he was generous to offer a token...not requesting the Holy Spirit for free...Simon was requesting to purchase a "commodity", as it were, to make more money in his sorcery trade, for a bigger selfish purpose . With more power, he would be more established and famous in the ungodly trade, and spread his tentacles, even beyond Samaria, "for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil..." (1 Tim.6:10). Unfortunately, his money failed him!

Untested believers like Simon seek short cut like this to bribe their way through the church processes and procedures. They strive with all energy in them to be seen by men. Their actions and attitudes are Pharisaic in nature. All simply because they are not deeply rooted in the WORD, and undoubtedly, their 'hearts are not right in the sight of God'. Not coming from the place of judgement though, brother Simon is a classical "persona" and a good representation of this brand of believers. Peter had a very urgent and important assignment at hand. At this point, Simon should proceed NO further, otherwise, a major problem was looming ahead of the fold he would sneak into, pretentiously, as a new worker. In reponse to the strange 'offering' to purchase power, Peter chastised him, "Your money PERISH with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!" (Acts 8:20). And the money did perish at Peter's discountenance.

The consequences of the likes of Simon's inordinate ambition do not only portend irredemable dangers for ministries, on the long run, but also pose a threat to the sanctity of the gospel. These are the tares growing among the wheat, (Mt. 13: 24-30), and the owner of the field did not sweat before knowing "an enemy has done this" (Mt.13:28) . There is always an enemy within whose actions are primarily occasioned by spiritual malnourishment. The primary assignments of such include deceit in all its faces and manifestations: deceit to marry from the fold, " for of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of GULLIBLE WOMEN...led away by various lusts, ( 2 Tim.3: 6) . They resist the truth also, "now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further..." (2 Tim. 3: 8), and they are simply unteachable! They pretend to be loyal to the ministry only to backstab the set man of the house where and when it hurts most, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the LORD repay him according to his works. You must also beware of him, for he has greatly resisted our words" (2 Tim: 14-15). They cause divisions among the fold as well, "now i urge you, brethren, note those who cause division and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them" (Rom.16:17).

For such people in modern day church, walking away from the church, given the slightest infraction is no big deal. All because they are NOT deeply rooted, and are also untutored in the ways of Christ. All attempts at reconciliation always hit the rock. Insurbordianation is their watchword. Arrogance, pride, failure to heed Godly instructions is a burden to them. Self - acclaimed sacred cows, and self- immuned from the word of reproof, are they. Armed with little "token"- of educational background, elitist professionalism, consciousness of social class, and a little influence here and there, they are like Simon, wishing the church should do their bidding. A little edge in a certain way over the congregation makes them to sway and swing in the wrong direction like pendulum, expecting the body of Christ to follow suit. Their presence causes unecessary tension and storm in the fold. They break the morale of the congregation at will. To such, money or whatever influence they possess, is all it takes to be a voice and a force to be reckoned with, in the household of faith. It is either their way or no way !

To them, the Holy Spirit should be relegated to the back, since they believe "it " (the Holy Spirit), is 'one of those things'. Rather than judging them, we should keep them in our fervent prayers.They are like Jonah, who by reason of a small amount of money he had to spare, headed for Joppa as against divine instruction of Tarshish. His presence in the boat apparently marred the journey for the other innocent passangers. Brother Simon had to undergo an urgent and rigourous training in the hands of Peter and the other apostles to forestall future and impending heresies, wrapped under his sleeves, he might possibly reel into the body of Christ, before it was too late. He must, as a matter of necessity and compulsion, be put in check, via a spiritual heart surgery. The evil carrot he was dangling before Peter was one risk too many for his immediate integration into the fold.

Repentant Simon:

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..." Heb.4:12). The pronounced word from Peter did the ultimate in the life of Simon, almost immediately it was released. So effective was the word that Simon took it in good fate as if that was what he had been expecting. He argued no further with Peter. Let us give the earlier infraction to him as a "time of the unknown." Hence, he should not be judged. Interestingly, he immediately requested that Peter prayed for him, knowing the consequences of such pronouncement on him, should it come to pass. The desire to turn a new leaf in this case was as swift as the experience of Saul of Tarsus, on his way to Damascus. He needed an urgent redirection. Humbly, he sought for the Light. He got a reprieve. It was time for Peter to send him to believers' class where the rudiments of basic christain doctrines are taught. The need for Simon to be grounded cannot be overemphasised.


My money will not perish.

My calling will not perish.

I will not perish.

Money shall not fail me.

My heart will be right in the sight of God. Amen !

Lessons Learned:

For Simon, this brief but life changing and memorable encounter carried much weight and experience that will stay with him in his christian journey, for several years. By now, he had understood that the Holy Spirit is NOT:

  • For Sale

  • Traded

  • Bargained For

  • An Item Or A Commodity Subject To Trade By Barter


The essence of a crusade, evangelism or revival is to win as many souls as possible, for the kingdom. Such won souls are tagged "new converts", ( i was once like that), who are later groomed for a certain period of time as scheduled in the church programs and activities, using the undiluted WORD as the roadmap. At this time, the idea of personal mentoring is encouraged. They are fully integrated into the fold through the process of prayers, fasting and other spiritual exercises. Measured trainings into various departments also go a long way to be sure they have a firm foundation in the LORD. From this pool are recruited, more workers, that will later find their various callings into the offices of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers, respectively.

The revival at Samaria led by Peter was one of a fruitful kind. Souls were won and notable among them when a one-time sorcerer, a household name in the trade, in the city. As expected, he saw the move of God, and he believed. Unfortunately, he was at a loss at the way the the people received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of the apostles' hands. His erratic impulse attempting to purchase "this power" marked the beginning of the turning point in his life. Peter's sharp chastisement was all he needed to discover he was on a wrong mission. In humility, he requested to be prayed for.

All Is Well That Ends Well, (William Shakespeare). For Simon, i submit that "a saved soul is better than perished money." Simon might have lost his money and disengaged from the dark trade of sorcery, it was for his own good. The kingdom of darkness lost a soul forever! Most important is that his soul was saved. Heaven, on that day, gained a soul, "...there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance." (Lk15:7). There are several Simons out there whose hearts yearn for the things of God , but are really confused how to go about the new lease of life! The question is, how impactful is our evangelism, if any at all? The church has to wake up to serious evangelism and constant follow-up, of new converts. May God help us. Amen !

© July 2024

Being A Monthly Scripture Bulletin

From The Desk Of

Olusegun A Emosu

The Redeemed Christian Church Of God,

Rehoboth Parish.

2244, Panola Rd, Suite 2, (3 D Complex),

Lithonia GA 30058 404 644 4127

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Excellent Piece.

Worthy of recognition and recommendation.🙏🏽

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