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Writer's pictureOlusegun Emosu

The Anointing @ Bethany: An Eternal Commendation (Mk.14:3).

"...a woman came & having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the the flask and poured it on His head" (Mk.14:3).


Our text above is one of the major events that preceded the arrest and eventual crucifiction of Jesus Christ, as foretold by Jesus Christ Himself. This is an account captured by the Synoptic Gospels, (Matthew, Mark & Luke), as well as the fourth gospel- the book of John. A striking point in all the four reports is that there are slight variants and similarities in all the accounts. These differences are probably due to the various religious leanings and perceptions of the different authors. However, they all agreed on certain facts that serve as the bases of this submission, looking at it from the 'Markan' account, our springboard in this case, which obviously is the most simplified of the submissions.

They all agreed that the setting of the anointing was Bethany, and it took place towards the time of Jesus' passion. That He was anointed by a woman, with expensive perfume, valued at about 300 denarii. As expected, there were human objections from the audience on the grounds that it was a mere waste of resources, with the defence that it could have been sold for the proceeds to be given to the poor. [ What laudable efforts of yours, to bless the body of Christ, are meeting with pushback from the audience? Focus and resilience are keys ] . Jesus Christ, the figure at the center of the scenario spoke in defence of the generous and foresighted woman. With that statement of defence from Jesus, all objections were set aside.

A Woman Of Vision & Purpose:

Among women that made impact in the biblical days after the order of Tabitha (Dorcas), (Acts 9:36-43) and the widow of the famous 'Parable of the Mite' , (Lk.12:1-4), the unidentified woman's action here at Bethany, found a parallel . While the memories of the late Tabitha were so overwhelming that the posthumous wailings and mournings of her co-widows moved Peter to call her back to life, both unidentified women, in latter texts, got commendations from Jesus Christ Himself. Commendations that would last for several years to come. They both were purpose -driven in their impacts, and were not perturbed of the settings , the onlookers, or what would be the reactions of the audience to their bold and generous acts.

In this particular submission, while at the initial part of the narrative, we had a group of religious people, the chief priests and the scribes who sought how they might take Him by tickery and put Him to death (Mk.14:1) there was yet another seemingly "so-trusted" individual in the person of Judas Iscariot, in the latter part of the text, bargaining with the same religious elders, on how he would betray Him, for a token. [ Who is the saboteur in your God-given assignment?]

The foregoings express the irony of the world we live. Nevertheless, ours is undoubtedly a world full of opportunities, both on the positive and negative sides. The question is, what side of the opportunities do we tilt to? It is not impossible, at times, for the flesh to dictate to us to pursue causes that only gravitate towards immediate financial, material compensentation, and human applause, even though it lacks eternal value. The will to embrace the positive opportunity, is the strength of our "unidentified woman", under discussion in this narrative- yes, she embraced the positivity side of this situation.

Uknown, Unidentified, Yet On Eternal Track:

This unkown woman saw an opportunity in the midst of oppositions, yet she reamined undaunted. First, she dared going to the abode of a leper to carry out this unique task. She never considered the leper as someone she should keep at arms length. She braced all odds. The unwelcoming hygenic atmosphere that pervaded the leper's place was not a barrier. Next, she intentionally turned deaf ears to the discouraging side comments of the dissents, who saw the anointing as a waste in view of the estimated price tag of the fragrant oil. She had a focus. Lesson learned here is that for whoever has a focus in life and ministry and wants to go far, the need to jettison distractions is of utmost importance.

Getting the "very costly oil" (Mk.14:3) out of the flask, was no easy task, physically and mentally. The efforts and the pains of breaking the flask, to get the content out, are no jokes, either. She probably had the oil in her possession long before now for a different purpose, initially. However, seeing this opportunity to anoint Jesus Christ, she took it as a matter of priority over her personal desires. To her, all other personal desires could wait. This was a rare privilege which she may not see again! The cost of replacement of this oil was not an issue for her, either. Her faith was laudable. In the words of king David, "nor will i offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God with that which costs me nothing." (2 Sam.24:24). We are called to a ministry of sacrificial endeavors. She probably invested all her life savings on this oil , yet she did not blink an eye to express it on the Master. David echoed this mindset as well. Our "sister" in this discourse was treading this path, in practical terms. There are expected and unexpected distractions and discouragements in the way of believers who buy into this.

Criticisms and other disparaging comments are part of the package on this journey. Once these immodest human attitudes trail your assignment, be rest assured you are making the kingdom of darkness uncomfortable. They are literally unsettled in situations like this. Expectedly, they throw fiery darts in the spirit and in the physical, to put you down. But because He that has called us is faithful, they shall not succeed, "He who calls you is faithful" (1 Thess. 5: 24). The scripture says, at a point, in the case of this noble woman, that, "and they criticized her sharply," (Mk.14:5). Her critics were "thinking for her," - a wrong thought entirely! This, in the words of Professor Pius Adesanmi, (1972-2019), of blessed memory, is, "taking medication for someone else's headache." Are you experiencing criticism for any God-given exploits in life and ministry?, please borrow a leaf from our Bethany sister. She recorded unusual exploits for the Kingdom. She blazed the trail. Don't ever be discouraged. Just prayerfully continue with the giant strides, as you press on the upward way. There is a mandate we cannot afford to forfeit to the wiles of the devil, "and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good TO ALL, especially to those who are of the household of faith." (Gal.6:9-10). Our sister was exercising her mandate at Bethany, and this she did to the fullest with priceless divine commendation, even in the face of one of the most powerful human criticisms. She made up her mind to be unstoppable!


Our "sister" in this discourse was treading this path, in practical terms. There are expected and unexpected distractions and discouragements in the way of believers who buy into this.

Who Is Against Us?

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Of a truth, the status and stature of oppositions on our way can be frightening, at least looking at it from the physical perspective, brother Goliath an example . However, He that sent us is much more Powerful than the critics. Rom.8:31, "if God is for us, who can be against us?" This was the saving grace of our sister in Bethany. In her quest to offering her little service to our LORD before going to the cross, we were not told how many people were there to shout her down. Nevertheless, it was a plurality of voices that attempted to silence her, all in an attempt to kill her dream. (Our dreams will NOT be killed, Amen!). With Jesus Christ present at the scene, they were all failed voices. What they saw, out of indignation, as a sheer waste of precious oil, was what Jesus Christ tagged "a good work" (Mk.14:6). And not just 'a good work, by the way', rather, "a good work for Me!" Beloved, what good works are we doing for the LORD? And what criticisms are shooting at the good works to discourage us? We MUST not relent! We must express that "fragrance" to all we come across.

Regardless of the number of "indignant" people who spoke against her, Jesus Christ came through for her. (The LORD will come through for us at all times). Amen! Did you notice the woman never uttered a word to her critics? Yes, simply because Jesus Christ naturally became her Spokesman. In a short sentence, He nipped the matter in the bud, commending her foresightedness, "...she has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial" (Mk.14:8). Believers, how strong is our foresight, in spiritual matters? How do we prepare for the unexpected? Think of the five wise virgins... It's another strength we need to overcome this world. With this, she needed not say anything in response. We cannot afford to be loquacious in spiritual matters. Silence in the face of spiritual oppositions and antagonism strengthens our spiritual intelligence. Oh yes, "we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (1 Jhn. 2:1). And with Jesus' reply and the eventual commendation, the matter was not only settled, her antagonists were also muted, completely.

The Golden Remark:

What looked like a mere wastage and exercise in futility in a house in Bethany- house of Simon the leper, started as a child's play, with dramatic twists and turns from the inglorious attendees, ended on a historical note. Thanks to a woman that was resolute, who like Mary, the sister of Martha, chose the good part which could not be taken away from her. This singular act, placed her in the annals of those who will be a force to be reckoned with wherever the gospel is preached globally, as it is till date. This was unequivocally expressed by Jesus Christ Himself, "...whereever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her." (Mk.14:9). What are we doing in the body of Christ that will be told as memorial to us? What would our works here on earth earn us in eternity? Commendation or condemnation? May the LORD help us !


Nevertheless, it was a plurality of voices that attempted to shout her down, all in an attempt to kill her dream. (Our dreams will NOT be killed, Amen!). With Jesus Christ present at the scene, they were all failed voices.


In our reading above, we saw there was a need- an important need at that, to anoint the body of Christ for burial. In the midst of a thick opposition, an unknown woman stepped up to do the needful. This was in between Judas working hand-in-hand with the chief priests and the scribes on how to betray Him. This tells us that life is full of ironies . While some are always forward -thinking, some are simply interested in rewinding the hand of the clock, and destroy all monumental efforts meant to beautify the work of the LORD. Her study is a good template, for us, of how to remain steadfast, determined, and resolute in carrying out our God-given assignments. Against all odds, she did not only see her dream come true, she was equally given divine commendation.

In this race, the task ahead of us is not for the lily-livered. Examples abound in the scriptures of similar challenges and oppositions, our Bethany woman faced. Think of Nehemiah. He, together with his team, had oppositions deride their efforts at getting the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. Believers, truth be said, there are challenges ahead of us on this road. However, our strong mind should align with God's assurance of victory for us, "so we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work" (Neh.4:6). If making up our minds to gaining victory is a prerequisite, then it's a trade off that is worth it. May the LORD help us ! Amen.


LORD, Your assignment in my hand will not be frustrated.

LORD, help me to peserve the sanctity of the gospel till Your coming.

LORD, help me overcome all obstacles to see beyond oppositions in my calling.

LORD, sharpen my spiritual foresight to do the needful expected of me at all times.

© August 2024

Being A Monthly Scripture Bulletin

From The Desk Of

Olusegun A Emosu ( The Blessed, The Chosen & The Preferred)

The Redeemed Christian Chuch of God,

Rehoboth Parish,

2244, Panola Rd, Suite2 (3D Complex),

Lithonia GA 30058 404 -644-4127

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