"What shall we do to Queen Vashti, according to the law? ...so that it will not be altered, that Vashti come no more before King Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal position to another who is better than she." (Est.1:15 & 19).
The refusal of Queen Vashti to appear before the king in order to show her beauty to the people and the officials, was considered to be an error on her part. It was so much of a monumental error that cost her the throne. It was an effrontery unheard of, in the palace. The king would not allow it slide. Ironically, it was one of her closest and the most trusted maids, Memucan, that lent stronger agitation to the voice of the king, for her removal and ultimate replacement.
Simply put, an error is a deviation from the norm. It is a slight but expensive derailment from accuracy or exactness. Be it intentional or otherwise, the consequences and aftermath of error could be grievous and irredemable. A good example is that of Queen Vashti, in our text above. Error could be expensive, costly, damaging, life threatening if not worse. Errors could displace and cause rifts among families and loved ones and put them at logger heads, especially where the outcome of such error leads to imprisonment or outright death. Such an error might probably be borne out of anger or retaliation, say when a married couple or more parties, out of emotional outbursts could not control their temper over internal squabbles. When the full weight of law swings in, justice prevails.
The subject of error is broad and cuts across practically all human endeavors. In its various occurences, error happens almost on a daily basis, in different spheres of life, in various professions and disciplines. Regardless of the magnitude of such error, at least two parties are involved: the erroneous and the victim(s). In the medical profession, for example, any slight error from the medical personnel could be all that would mar the life of the patient for life. A little infraction on the part of a careless driver on the highway endangers the lives of other unwary drivers. It takes a split second to incapacitate an innocent driver, or send such to the great beyond. Few years back, i was a victim of such, when a driver driving on high speed trying to escape with a stolen truck, ran into me with no way of escape for me, right on my lane. It was the mercy of God that made me come out of the fatal accident, unscatched!
A slight error, intended or implied, in an organization's Balance Sheet could affect the whole accounting process. Such, on the longrun, may not be healthy for the whole financial planning of an organization. If not mitigated on time, it may portray such organization as insolvent. Error and its consequnces, as said above, by extension find their place even in the game of football. In a tensed football match for example, a player, under pressure and in an attempt at making sure his team carries the day, might commit a costly error that could lead to his team's loss. This is a common error in football when a player scores against his celebrated team. This is what is called "own-goal". Truth is that there is nothing more painful in the loss of a match for a football team, when a player scores against his team ! It does not matter the skills and how much the player is celebrated globally, that is a stigma that does not wash away easily, if at all it does, more so if the said match has so much at stake.
...we shoud be very mindful of the fact that an error commited by someone may put us at the receiving end.
In the spirit realm, error is a tactic from the pit of hell to allow the devil an inroad to cash in on a situation or care free- life .